
Treatment of timber BEFORE CONSTRUCTION

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Each log home builder has his wood processing technology and secrets before it becomes a product. However, all constructors take into consideration basic factors affecting the quality of the finished timber. They are:     

  • Humidity 
  • Susceptibility to fungal infections or mold damage 
  • Individual properties of the wood 
  • Age of wood
  • Damage by insects

Let us take a closer look at these key factors and wood preservation ways we use to build high quality four seasons homes. 


This is probably one of the most important parameters of a high-quality wooden construction.  Wood is a living natural material that absorbs moisture. To avoid cracking, drying out, swelling and, as a consequence, deformation of the wood (twisting, resizing), it should be dried to optimal performance. 

If a house is constructed from wet wood, under sub-zero temperature the material will expand and collapse quickly. It will cause significant deformations and fungosity, which will make the material inapplicable. In natural conditions, wood has 35 to 100% moisture. Normal wood moisture content for house construction is 12-15%. How to achieve the required level of moisture?

There are three main ways to get rid of the excess moisture: 

1. Atmospheric Drying

Often the material is simply stacked in a dry, well-ventilated area. To achieve the desired moisture indicators, it sometimes takes from several months to several years (for hardwood). 

2. Wood-Drying in Chamber 

A drying chamber that provides a constant temperature and hot air circulation to remove moisture. Along with that, harmful microorganisms (fungus, or mold) are destroyed.   

3. Thermo-Drying Chambers

There are special thermo-drying chambers where under the vacuum condition the temperature rises to 400 degrees Celsius. In this camera, the drying process is the quickest. However, it is quite costly and requires competent maintenance. If you set the wrong parameters for the drying process, you will spoil the timber. Wood, processed in a thermos-chamber, is maximally moisture-resistant and has beautiful, clear texture. This method is mainly used to manufacture shipboard, decking, etc.  

For the construction of 4 season homes, we mainly use wood dried in natural conditions and a chamber. We measure moisture levels with special devices and always monitor the quality of the material. 


Microorganisms such as mold, wood-coloring, wood-destroying fungi, insects, and algae are the main enemies of wood. As fungi can infect wood within several hours, it is essential to treat wood against microorganisms on time. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to “cure” contaminated wood.  

To protect wood constructions from biological damages and make them durable, log homes manufacturers do the following:  

• Isolate wood from soil, stone, or concrete

• Make special ventilation ducts in structures  

• Сover wooden material with special solutions and treatments 

Together with that, wood producers across the globe use a chemical method of wood protection.  Wood is treated with special protective compounds – antiseptics and fire retardants – that protect the wood from the fire and biological damage. If applied properly, this treatment method is quite effective and relatively inexpensive. Our company builds log homes in Canada and far beyond the borders (we have our houses even in Japan). 

We believe that to construct premium-quality four seasons cottages, it is important to apply a whole range of measures from the choice of lumber and suppliers to the construction site for a log home. Of course, we follow the above-mentioned wood protection technologies, and other technical and construction standards.  

Since 1977, Four Seasons specialists have been carefully monitoring the entire technological process upgrading it to the modern trends. We guarantee first-class services and offer a full range of four seasons wood products. 



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